BSA WANTS To Give Love

smile, laugh, luck

Some of us smile even past the pain. We know that better days lies ahead. Sure there are days that you want to just throw in the towel and be like “look I’m done. I can’t do this anymore.” We’re only human. When all hope is gone, it is then something greater then ourselves reminds us to not give up the fight. This is why you keep GOD in your life and HE will help you strike a “mighty blow.”  

Love Lives Within You

gratitude, prayer, love

When you accept GOD into your life, it’s the best feeling in the world. You’ll never have to be alone again. HE is always there to walk with you every step of the way. Whatever you may need just ask HIM, believe that you will receive it, and it is already done. On GOD…

Shine From Within

Let your self reflection be an image of what others need to see. Let them see GOD shine through you from within. There are many lost souls out here. From the greatest to the least of them, wealth is no contributing factor. GOD wants us to reach out to them in any way that we can. To GOD be the glory! I love you all my brothers and sisters in CHRIST. Don’t forget to smile today.

Believe it & Receive it

mural, girl, balloon

When Prayers go up Blessings come down. All you have to do is Believe. The Universe sees all hears all so stay positive and prayed up. Always remember to let your mind work for you not against you. It can be your worst enemy if you allow it to be. This is why it is very important for you to try to remain optimistic even in the most worst case scenarios.  

Unconditional Love

hand, hold, care

This is the love that the world needs to see on the daily. The day will come when we will all love each other. Color won’t matter.  It’ll be just like in the earlier biblical days when Adam and Eve were still pure and hadn’t yet ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. One can only remain hopeful and have faith that this “one” day will be here very soon. You have to get right with GOD now before it’s too late. Accept him into your life today. “HE is the way, the truth, and the life.” Facts!”

Is this the beginning of a revolution?

We live in an ever changing world full of endless possibilities. Despite the unforeseen crises that crosses our paths such as Covid-19 and SARS Covid 2, we can still travel as far as our imagination takes us. Never stop believing that hard work pays off, sometimes sooner than one may think. Even in the most difficult times it’s best to keep a positive frame of mind. Let’s continue eating well, cleaning and sanitizing, wearing our masks, and social distancing until the time comes when we will see normalcy again. 

Keep Your Masks On

mask, corona, virus

It’s been a headache trying to keep up with these. They’re (news, online research) saying it still remains important to wear your mask preferably from the time you leave your home until you return. They’re (see above) also recommending that people take the coronavirus vaccines. This vaccination is suppose to fix everyone so the world can go back to normal. Thousands have already received the shot both times and still seem to be fine. Then there have been plenty of people that have died within hours of taking it. GOD help us. 

A temporary setback produces a major comeback

Being on lock-down sucks! Or does it? From one viewpoint there has been more time to spend with loved ones binge watching episodes or watching good movies, playing video and board games, getting engaged, and bringing more life into the world definitely plays a role too. On the other hand, many people lost loved ones, got furloughed from their jobs, are on the verge of calling it quits from long marriages, and the coronavirus cases are increasing at an alarming rate. It’s times like these that can either make you or break you. Stay strong my brothers and sisters. This too shall pass!  

Health is Wealth

winning, motivation, succeed

I don’t know about y’all, but this is the healthy that I want to feel and be. It’s not impossible to achieve feeling this way. We wake up, (GOD Spare) We Thank GOD, and we keep that same grateful feeling with us all throughout each day. Work hard for what you want. Believe that GOD is with you every step of the way. HE will never fail you.

Don't forget to exercise

people, woman, yoga

We may be stuck inside majority of the day when not at work or having some important errands to take care of. It is within good advice to find you an exercise regime and try sticking to it. Work out on days that are more convenient for you. This will make it easier for you to want to repeat it. BSA recommends exercising at least 3 days out of the week. You may want to try meditating too. It is a great way to alleviate stress and relax the mind. 

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